Installation of Sign Boards
In The Bintan Marine Protected Areas
ecology foundation/09-19-2022
Hello Ecology Friends!
Did you know that..
The Bintan Marine Protected Areas is designated with the following objectives : (1) Protect and conserve fish resources and important ecosystem types in waters to ensure the sustainability of their ecological functions. (2) Realizing the utilization of fish resources and their ecosystems as well as their environmental services sustainably. (3) Preserving local wisdom in the management of fish resources in or in around the Bintan Protected Areas.(4)Improving the welfare of the community around the Bintan Marine Protected Areas.
One of the things that SUOP Bintan MPA must prepare is a marking system and bulletin board so that various parties know the existence and boundaries of Bintan MPA as well as important information related to the provisions of activities in the zoning contained therein. The marking system includes the information to be presented, media form, construction, placement location, and management. This system must be built by SUOP by involving partners and representatives of resource utilization groups in Bintan MPA.
Their involvement is very important to support the effectiveness of message delivery and maintenance of markings and announcements. Stakeholder knowledge about the existence of Bintan MPA is one of the keys to successful management in the future..
Currently, with the support of the partnership, 13 strategic information board locations have been installed in 10 villages in Bintan Regency equipped with Zoning Maps (Core Zone, Utilization Zone and Other Zones), Activities that are allowed or allowed with conditions and not allowed in accordance with Permen KP 31 of 2020 along with conservation targets in the East TWP of Bintan Island.

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