Establishment of The Bintan MPA Bioecological
and Socio-Economic Survey Team
ecology foundation/08-08-2022
Hello Ecology Friends!
Did you know that..
Monitoring the condition of coral reef ecosystems and associated biota is a national program that aims to manage coral reefs and other related ecosystems so that they are sustainable and provide benefits to coastal communities. Monitoring produces a powerful data resource that can be used to determine the status of ecosystems and communities of related organisms as well as consideration in providing a long-term policy.
In addition, monitoring carried out on coral reef fish communities is an important consideration in knowing the related fishery stocks, so that the data resulting from fish and coral reef monitoring activities can support and be used as a basic reference in making and designing fisheries policies. To obtain this data, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the potential of resources or bioecology in conservation areas in the waters east of Bintan Island (Bintan MPA) Riau Islands Province.
As a form of effective management YEKR and DKP Kepri establish partnerships for the management of the Bintan Island Eastern Waters Tourism Park so that stakeholders, stakeholders, academics and community groups are the closest important role holders to the area which is currently designated as Marine Tourism Park in the eastern region of Bintan Island (Bintan MPA).

Located at the PSDKP office, DKP Riau Islands, the team assembled a team involved in carrying out bioecological and socio-economic surveys/monitoring which will be carried out from August to October. The teams that will be involved are the East Bintan Island TWP SUOP, YEKR, BPSPL Padang, UMRAH, Pokmaswas. The purpose of this activity is to obtain resource data and the current condition of conservation targets in 23 Core Zones of the Marine Tourism Park in the eastern region of Bintan Island (Bintan MPA) and also socio-economic data of beneficiaries in 10 villages in Bintan Regency which are adjacent to the Bintan MPA

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