First Time Assessment of The Effectiveness (EVIKA)
of The Bintan MPA (TWP Timur Pulau Bintan) in 2023
ecology foundation/09-14-2023
The Indonesian government is targeting a Conservation Area of ​​32.5 million hectares or 10% of Indonesia's water area by 2030. This target is in line with the global commitment of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) – Aichi Target 11, and the Sustainable Development Goal 14. The National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2020–2024 targets increasing the area area to 26.9 million hectares in 2024. In particular, it is hoped that by 2024, 20 million hectares of conservation areas will be managed and utilized sustainably.
Evaluation of management effectiveness is an important component in managing conservation areas. IUCN describes the management effectiveness framework as an iterative cycle process consisting of design, management, monitoring, evaluation and adaptation.
Aspects of assessing the effectiveness of conservation area management include governance, area resources, conservation targets, social, economic and cultural. All of these aspects are reduced into indicators to measure management effectiveness based on input, process, output and outcome criteria. This effectiveness evaluation has considered the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder, so that it is not only SUOP's responsibility.
Through the support of the USAID Kolektif Program, MMAF carried out an evaluation assessment of the effectiveness of conservation area management (EVIKA) in the Riau Islands Province, Bthe Bintan MPA (TWP Timur Pulau Bintan). The assessment was carried out at the DKP Kepri office and attended by DKP Kepri, BPSPL Padang, NGOs/partners, Usaid Kolektif, and universities. The Bintan MPA (TWP Timur Pulau Bintan) is an area that will only be designated in 2022. Therefore, this is the first assessment. From the results of the EVIKA assessment in 2023, the East Bintan Island TWP is at the minimum management level.

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